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  • : james.hughes
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July 15 2011 5 15 /07 /July /2011 13:39

In 2010, Apple released its revolutionary new iPad. It looked like a giant iPhone but it was most definitely much more than this. In 2011, Apple took this one step further and released the iPad's follow up, the iPad 2. It has not been out for long and there is so much to say about it. However, here is a brief review of the aesthetics of the new Pad 2.


Despite the rumours of the Ipad 2 being thinner than a newspaper and weighing as light as a feather, the reality is that it is only slightly smaller than the original iPad although it is thinner than the most recent iPhone, the iPhone 4.

It stands at 241mm tall, 186mm wide and is only 8.6mm thick. Due to its new curved edge, it is easier to grasp than the iPad. So, the size is not a lot different but those who were saying that it will be as light as a feather are not too far wrong. It is a massive 80g lighter than the iPad and comes in at just 680 grams despite having a metal back thus making all of its competitirs now look overweight and out dated. Aesthestically, the iPad 2 is brilliant.


As well as being asthetically pleasing, we should talk about the overall quality of the iPad 2. The touch screen is still as good as ever. Although if you have not used such a thing before, it can take some time getting used to it. If you do struggle to get used to it, you can always purchase an Apple keyboard. A nice new touch is how quick it is to turn on. All you have to do is open the cover tand the device automatically powers up. It the device now has two cameras which allow you to do various things, such as Skype or make your own videos.


A couple of downsides to the device is that is has no USB port and it will not run flash which makes using gaming websites a difficulty but overall, the iPad 2 is a step up from its predecessor.

Starting prices for the iPad 2 come in at a reasonable £399 and jumps up to £659 for the 64gb w-fi 3g version (price seen on 14.07.2011).

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